1. Student.
Should be able to add new student information to the system and those entered student will be available under student attendance section.
2. Edit student
User should be able to update the student information details for existing students.
3. View student
Should be able to view all students. If user wants to search particular student then should be able to enter the partial name of student or full name of the student.
4. Delete student – no deletion, only active status.
User should be able to delete the students from the system but won’t be able to delete the student permanently only status will be set as deleted.
User should be able to
delete the students from the system but won’t be able to delete the student
permanently only status will be set as deleted.
Student Termination
the student completed his/her studies at Daffodil Education Centre user should
be able to terminate the student by reactivating the student status.
can be terminated by the management due to his or bad attitude or may be some
other reasons..
also can be terminated by parents/ guardian from the Daffodil Education Centre,
this time also user can set the status as terminated.
Student Payments
User updates the system
with the following details:
o Invoice
o Student
o Invoice
o Invoice
o Payment
o Payment
type (Card/cash/cheque)
o Payment
for (Admission fee / term fee / sports fee / concert fee/ other)
Once the user enters
the above information payment details will get saved to the system and user
should be able to print the receipt and hand it over to the parent/ guardian.
Payment Receipt Creation
Once the payment success,
user should be able to print the receipt for the payment. Copy of the receipt
will kept into student file.
Student Attendance
Daily basis, user or class teacher needs to select the student
attendance by selecting yes/no field where it’s displays next to the student
name. If the student is absent user must select the reason for it from the
selection box which will appear when user select the attendance as no.
Staff /Teachers Management
Should be able to add new Staff/ Teachers information to the system and those entered Staff/ Teachers will be available under Staff/ Teachers attendance section.
2. Edit Staff/ Teachers
User should be able to update the Staff/ Teachers information details for existing Staff/ Teachers.
3. View Staff/ Teachers
Should be able to view all Staff/ Teachers. If user wants to search particular Staff/ Teachers then should be able to enter the partial name of Staff/ Teachers or full name of the Staff/ Teachers.
4. Delete Staff/ Teachers – no deletion, only active status.
User should be able to delete the Staff/ Teachers from the system but won’t be able to delete the Staff/ Teachers permanently only status will be set as deleted.
Daily basis Staff/Teachers attendance should be updated to
the system manually by user where details available in the attendance book.
User needs to enter staff in and out time.
Also user will manage the Staff/Teachers leave
information too.
3. User Management
Ø Add Users
could be able to add user authentication details such as User Name, Password,
First Name, Last Name, Address, emails, contact number and user role which is
to help identify what level of access need to be granted to the user.
Ø Edit Users
User could be able to modify the details
and save the changes to the system.
Ø View / Search
User could be able to view all available
users or filter the user by entering the user name.
Ø Delete Users
User could be able to delete the user
detail from the system.
Administrator is able to add
different user roles based on their performing roles such as Manager, teacher,
accountant etc.
Ø Add Pages
User could be able to add new pages with
Ø Edit Pages
User could be able to modify the details
and save the changes to the system.
Ø View / Search
User could be able to view all available
pages or filter the user by entering the user name.
Ø Delete Pages
User could be able to delete the
page detail from the system
Ø Add Permission
User could be able to give the page
level permission to each role.
Ø Edit Permission
User could be able to edit the
permission from the role and save the changes to the system.
Ø View / Search Permission
User could be able to view the role
level permission
Reporting module
consists with following static reports
Daily attendance
b) Teachers daily attendance Reports
Teacher’s Daily attendance
c) Payment Reports
Admission payment, Terms Fee, Sports Fee, Concert fee
5. Events Management
Ø Add Events
could be able to add events details such as Event Title, Event Start Date and
Time, Event End Date and Time, Full day event or not and the event url.
Ø Edit Events
User could be able to modify the details
and save the changes to the system.
Ø View / Search
User could be able to view the events in
the events list.
Ø Delete Events
User could be able to delete the events
from the system.
could be able to view events details from the calendar by month wise and able
to edit event dates by dragging the event..
can move forward or backward the event dates by dragging and dropping the even
title in the event calendar, Also can expand the number of days cover or reduce
the days by dragging the event title
6. Communications
for Parents
Ø Create
could be able to create a message to parents, Message can be individual parent
, group of parents, parents/guardians of entire class or may be all students
parents/guardians in the school. This can be choose by selecting the option
available in the notice to parents
Ø View existing
details of communication list
User could be able to view existing
notice/message by selecting the date or by selecting the subject of the
message. By Clicking on it able to see the details of the message.
Ø Create
could be able to create newsletters by entering message into rich editors,
users can use or attach any images to create the message, User needs to enter
the subject of the newsletter and needs to save it as a template before sending
it. So they can use the template for next time sending.
Ø View existing
User could be able to view existing
newsletters by selecting the date or by selecting the subject of the
newsletter. By Clicking on it able to see the details of the newsletter
Ø Sending newsletters
User should be able to select the list
audience, There are three option to select the newsletter audience, User could
be able to send the newsletters only to entire parents/guardians or Only to
staff or teachers the last option is to send it to both staffs and parents.
Easy email is developed to make the
communication between the staff and parents. This facility can be also use any
communication between staff members, between
staff members and parents and between management and staff members. Basically
this system developed to manage the email communication, rather using an
external email. It is identified to use same system for it.
Ø Create email
is similar to normal email system, User should be able to enter the message
subject, body and receive email, User also can attached any documents. User should be able to search the reception
details and add it in the email to list.
Ø View email/inbox
could be able to view the messages sent from other users, User can click on the list and view the
emails, Also attachment can be downloaded.
Ø Replying to the email
should be able to select the message and reply to the same message.
You can find more about Montessori Management System (MMS) Feature.s and Modules from my previous post